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Tips to Improve Sleep


Sleep is one of the most under-appreciated aspects of our health. It is the cornerstone of improving our quality of life. We know we need to exercise and eat well, but we don’t prioritize getting enough sleep. Just like water and food, sleep is actually a key “nutrient” our body needs on a daily basis.

We know we need to get more (and better) sleep. So, how and where do we start?

We need to take a look at our lifestyle.

Our circadian rhythm is what regulates our wake and sleep cycles. We have specific hormones that are released at certain times of the day. When our routines get interrupted, this disrupts our circadian rhythm, ultimately affecting sleep duration and quality.

What can disrupt our Circadian Rhythm and Sleep?

  • Poor light exposure in the morning & throughout the day
  • Excessive light exposure at night (specifically blue light from electronics)
  • Caffeine & other stimulants
  • Alcohol
  • Traveling and changing time zones
  • Shift Work & Schedule changes
  • Stress (mental and emotional; feeling “wired”)
  • Change in Hormones
  • Exercising late in evening/night
  • A diet high in sugar or processed foods
  • Lack of a “Night Routine”

sleep stretch As you can see, there are many factors that affect our sleep,   recovery and therefore energy levels throughout the day.

In today’s technology-driven society, we must address our   exposure to light. When we are exposed to TV, computers and   smartphones, the three primary forms of blue light, our brains   think it is still day time. This blue light (and other factors above)   can lower the production of melatonin, one of the hormones that   regulates sleep and wake cycles.

Our best tips to Improve your Sleep:

  • Start in the morning; get exposed to light (natural sunlight is best) as soon as possible.
  • Using dimming lights & limit bright light at night.
  • Create a Technology Curfew; Stop watching TV and using gadgets two hours before your head hits the pillow.
  • Use a blue-light filter on your gadgets in the evenings. Fluxx is a free software/app for devices.
  • Cut out caffeine after 2 p.m.
  • Aim to finish your last meal 2-3 hours before bed.
  • Stick to a bedtime schedule. Aim to go to bed/rise within an hour every day of the week.
  • Create a night-time “relaxing” routing to calm your nervous system & body from the day. Find what works for you; meditation, prayer, journaling, reading, a bath or shower, etc.
  • Set your bedroom to a cool temperature.
  • Limit light exposure in your bedroom with dark/black out curtains or shades.
  • Consider using calming high quality essential oils, like lavender or cedarwood.
All of these lifestyle habits can contribute to better sleep, thus helping you to your best health!

Have questions about sleep or how we can help you in other ways?

Contact us here!

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